Airport blurps. Jazz. Contemporary places. Not selected. Identified.


Compiègne, France

compiegne france
Compiиgne, best known perhaps for the signing of the armistice (in the same railway carriage the French were forced to sign there surrender two decades later – but no need to expres political sympathies in this blog) and the betrayal and arrest of Joan of Arc, has that typical small town French feeling. Not a lot going on, but well equipped with restaurants from all corners of the former Empire – Vietnamese, Libanese and Alsatians are to be found here. More specifically, at the Place de l’Ancien Hфpitale, the cliches are even more obvious; facing a Bar-Tabac, a Kiosque, a Crйdit Mutuel and a Carrefour Express on se trouve In Vino, a typical Cave a Vins. Enjoy the offering of wines, so overwhelming that c’est impossible de trouver l’arbre dans la fфret . Accompanied by some fromage (typical French cheese), or charcuterie one can only say: casse toi, pauvre con.